Episode 30: Familiar Landscapes
The barrens weren’t so barren these days. With all the fighting between the Alliance and the Horde, the constant flow of soldiers coming and going made for a busy trade route. Amidone and I ended up setting up our came in Fort Triumph, and sooner than later we were the local defense leaders among the civilians that made their way to this new outpost. That’s right. Civilians. As if anyone in their right mind would want to come out here. Yet they did still come. Sometimes lone adventurers looking to make money, other times entire families hoping to find a place where they could finally settle down and start a farm of their own. It was lunacy. I took over the duties of caring for the Inn after the job became available. It was nice. I got to stand back and listen to stories from travelers, hear the latest reports from the military, and I had all the free drinks and cheese I could ever ask for. Amidone busied herself with medical duties, converting part of the inn into a field hospit...